Fruit Production Company Jobs in Canada | Urgent Hiring 2024
Latest announcement for Fruit Production Company Jobs in Canada 2024 | Free Visa
We are looking for a fruit picker for a fruit Fruit Production Company Jobs in Canada as following details are below:
- Company Name: Carcajou Fruit Company Ltd.
- Location: Summerland, BC, Canada
- Salary: $28/piece
- Conditions of Employment : Seasonal, Full Time
- Work Shift: Flexible hours, Early morning, Morning
- Benefits: Volume based
- Number of Available Vacancies: 30
Recruitment Requirements for Fruit Production Company Jobs in Canada
- Language English or French
- Education No degree, qualification or diploma
- Experience Experience is a plus.
- Specific Skills Harvesting of row crops and orchard crops
- Experience with equipment and machinery Fruit harvesters
- Handles weights. Up to 13.5 kg (30 lbs)
- Type of crop Apples, cherries
- Work site environment Outdoors
- Working Conditions and Physical Abilities Fast-paced environment, repetitive tasks, heavy lifting, physically demanding, manual dexterity, hand-eye coordination, prolonged standing, bending, stooping, kneeling
- Location Information Local area, staff accommodations available
- Individual inclination Flexibility, cooperative person, qualities and morals, dependability
How to Apply
Please apply online. Click here
Food Grown from the Soil Seeking Fruit Production Company Jobs in Canada

- Organization : Harry Morse
- Area Name: 4127 Brooklyn Road, Berwick, NS, B0P 1E0, Canada
- Compensation: $12.95 per hour (for 40 to 80 hours per week)
- Work conditions: Irregular, all day
- Work Movements: Daytime, evening, end of week, early morning, morning
- Number of openings: 10
Need for enlistment
- Language skills : English
- Training: No degree, certificate, confirmation letter
- Experience is AN or higher.
- Explicit abilities Hand picking of vegetables, digging up harvest.
- Weight handling. Up to 23 kg (50 lbs)
- Types of harvests Cabbage; strawberries; sweet corn; melons.
- Work Location Outdoors; wet and dry; dusty; hot
- Transportation/Travel Data Transportation: private vehicles; open transportation not available
- Working Conditions and Actual Ability Redundant work; actual burden; manual dexterity; ability to recognize colors; body twisting, bending, bowing
- Work area data Rustic areas
- Individual orientation Leading interpersonal skills, adaptability, cooperation, qualities and morals, reliability
ALSO SEE: Exciting Apple Picking Jobs In Canada | Free Apply 2024
How to apply ⇓ (Foreigners only)
- Apply by email:
- Apply by mail: 4127 Brooklyn Road, Berwick, NS, B0P 1E0
This business is advancing comparable job opportunities for all job searchers, Fruit Production Company Jobs in Canada including those who self-distinguish as individuals from the following populations Younger children and young adults
Organic Product or Vegetable Picking Worker Wanted in Ontario, Canada
- Organization Name Thwaites Homesteads Ltd.
- Region Name Langton, ON,
- Compensation: $14.39 per hour (40 to 80 hours)
- Working Conditions Irregular, all day
- Openings Number of accessible positions 46
- Dialect English
- Schooling No degree, certificate or certification.
- Experience a or above.
- Explicit Abilities Collecting line and plantation harvests, stacking, dumping and moving cartons, supplies, ranch produce, animals and poultry.
- Weight to be handled; up to 23 kg (50 lbs)
- Type of harvest Vegetables
- Work Site Climate Outdoors; wet and dry; dusty; hot
- Work Site Data Rustic
- Personal tendencies Strong interpersonal skills, adaptability, cooperation, qualities/morals, reliability
- Transportation/Movement Data Private vehicle; no open access
- Working conditions and actual ability Speedy climate, monotonous work, genuinely asking for errands, manual dexterity, bowing, crouching, need for additional time
Apply now by mail to Fruit Production Company Jobs in Canada for Foreigners 1984 Townline Street, RR#3, Niagara on the Lake, ON, L0S 1J0.
Picker and Packer of Natural Products and Vegetables Fruit Production Company Jobs in Canada for Foreigners
- Organization Recreational Homestead
- Compensation: $14.25 per hour each (for a 35-70 hour work week)
- Working Conditions Irregular, all day (daytime, evening, end of week, after hours, strategic scheduling, early morning, mid-morning)
- Opening: 20 times
- Dialects English or French
- Training No degree, certificate or confirmation
- Years of experience 7 months to less than 1 year
- Weight handled 23 kg (50 lbs) or less
- Type of harvest Vegetables, potatoes, berries, cucumbers, peppers, onions, strawberries, sweet corn, tomatoes, zucchini, raspberries, melons, carrots
- Work site climate Outdoors, damp, dusty, hot
- Transportation/transportation data Private car
How to apply:
If it’s not too much trouble, please come directly to 744 Quesnel Rd, Sturgeon Falls, ON (P2B 2W3 Before 09:00 AM and 05:00 AM).
Picker Opening, Vegetable and Natural Products Picking Jobs in Canada
- Organization G&B Bealeen
- Region Strathroy, ON
- Salary: 30-50 hours per week, $14.26 per hour each
- Terms of Trade As needed, all day, noon, night, end of week, strategic scheduling, early morning, mid-morning
- Opportunity Access to 3 openings
- Language English
- Schooling No degree, certification, or accreditation
- Experience preferred
- Organic Product Picker Wanted in Canada
- Organization Elephant Island Plantation
- Regional Address Naramata, BC, Canada
- Compensation: $75 per case
- Working Conditions Temporary, All Day, Daytime, Early Morning, Morning
- Benefits Harmony Work
- Available Positions 25 Positions
- Dialect Bilingual
- Training Optional school (secondary education) to be confirmed
- Years of experience: several months to less than seven months
- Explicit ability Crop collection on the line or plantation
- Apply by email:
Due to Covid travel restrictions, Canadian or nearby competitors should only apply. Up-and-coming talent from abroad will not be considered.
Job Description Organic Product Picker – Fruit Production Company Jobs in Canada
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Job Title Fruit Picker – Canadian General Farm Jobs for Expats
- Salary: $0.03 per piece or $15 per hour
- Job Title All Day Work
- Position: 90 Nos
- Work Location Winfield, BC
- Apply Online Click Here
- Fruit or Vegetable Picker
- Salary: $11.00 per hour (for 40-60 hours per week)
- Job Type Full Time
- Job Type 10
- Location Berwick, NS
- Mailing Address 4127 Brooklyn Street Berwick, NS B0P 1E0
- Job Description Fruit and Vegetable Picker
- Salary: $11.00 per hour (40-60 hours per week)
- Job Type Full Time
- Job Title: 46
- Location: Langton, ON
Position Fruit and Vegetable Picker
- Salary : $11.00 per hour for a 40-60 hour work week
- Job Type Full Time
- Position 4 Positions
- Location : Simcoe, ON
- Email :
- Job Description Fruit and Vegetable Picker
- Compensation : $11.00 each hour for 40-60 hours out of every week
- Job Type: Full Time
- Position Summary: 9 Positions
- Location : Wyoming, Ontario
- Email Us :
Assuming you have any inquiries concerning Fruit Production Company Jobs in Canada For Foreigner, if it’s not too much trouble, leave them in the remarks area beneath.
New Opportunities for Foreign Workers in Canada’s Agri-Food Sector
The Canadian Agri-Food Sector Immigration Pilot Program has started.
The Canadian Agri-Food Movement Pilot Program is another immigration program that provides workers in certain agri-food enterprises with a pathway to an extremely durable residence in Canada.
Canada allows workers who are unfamiliar with the agri-food sector to apply through the Agri-Food Sector Immigration Pilot, which gives them an unmistakable path to ultra-durable residency.
Workers Eligible for the Canadian Agri-Food Immigration Pilot?
In order to be eligible to apply for the Canadian Agri-Food Immigration Pilot, foreign workers must meet the following five eligibility requirements:
- Have a qualifying work history.
- Must have received a qualifying job offer.
- Meet or exceed the minimum language proficiency requirements.
- Meet or exceed education requirements.
- Demonstrate that you have sufficient funds to settle in the local area.
1 – Qualified work history
You must have Fruit Production Company Jobs in Canada for at least one year (at least 1,560 hours in the last three years). This work experience in Canada must meet the following requirements
- Any season is acceptable.
- You must be working in an eligible occupation in an eligible industry.
- Must be through the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (supported by LMIA for a minimum of 12 months).
2 – Qualified Job Offer
You must have a bona fide job offer from a Canadian employer. This job offer must meet the following requirements:
- You must be employed in an eligible position in an eligible industry (see above).
- Must be a full-time, permanent, non-seasonal worker.
- Wages must be at least the provincial general wage (or the national general wage if there is no provincial general wage) for the occupation for which you are employed by the Job Bank.
- Must be within Canada. However, Quebec is excluded.
3 – Minimum language proficiency requirement
You must score at least level 4 on the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) in an approved language exam in English or French.
4 – Minimum Education Requirements:
The applicant must have completed a level of education equivalent to a Canadian high school diploma (or higher). If education was obtained outside of Canada, a valid Educational Credentials Assessment (ECA) endorsement is required.
5 – Settlement Payment Requirements
When settling in Canada, you must prove that you have sufficient funds to support yourself and your family. If you are already working in Canada with a valid work permit, you do not need to provide proof of funds. For those who are not already in a common farm job in Canada for foreign nationals the settlement funding requirements are as follows
If you meet the above program requirements, you may submit your application for permanent residence directly to IRCC.
To apply, you will need to complete a detailed application using the application guide and forms available on the official Agri-Food Immigration Pilot webpage. You will also need to provide proof that you have met the requirements of the program.
Once you have completed the application form, you should submit a hard copy by mail to the address listed on the webpage above.
General Farm Jobs in Canada for Foreigners Agri-Food Pilot Program works.
Managers in the agriculture and food sectors who participate in the pilot are eligible for a two-year labour market sway appraisal.
To complement the pilot program, Employment and Social Development Canada will be introducing changes that will be beneficial to meatpacking employers that will assist in the transition of temporary foreign workers to permanent residency.
- Eligible meatpacking employers will be issued with a two-year Labour Market Impact Statement. This includes employers using the Agri-Food Migrant Pilot and the existing pathway to permanent residency for temporary foreign workers working in occupations and industries covered by the pilot.
- To qualify, meatpackers must outline their plans to assist temporary foreign workers in obtaining permanent residency. For meatpackers with a labor union, a letter of support from the union is also required.
- Non-unionized meatpackers must meet additional requirements to ensure protection of the labor market and migrant workers. We plan to quickly assemble a three-pronged working gathering to foster these prerequisites.
- Adjustments will also be made to the way the cap, or cap, for low-wage temporary foreign workers is calculated, and the efforts of employers to help workers obtain long-term residency rights will be examined.
Why did Canada create the Agri-Food Immigration Test Program?
With permanent residency, foreign workers will have greater access to taxpayer-funded social security programs such as employment insurance and the Canada Pension Plan (General Farm Jobs In Canada For Foreigner.
The agri-food immigration pilot will permit more professionals to prepare for long-distance settlement, as opposed to staying impermanent with hardly any chance of a very durable home in Canada.
When the agri-food immigration pilot program was proposed in early 2019, it was welcomed by groups like the Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA), with CFA President Mary Robinson stating IN Fruit Production Company Jobs in Canada
If you don’t have a stable workforce on the farm, you’re less likely to invest in the industry, you’re less likely to expand your business,” said CFA President Mary Robinson.
“We know,” says Robinson, “that labour is a limiting factor in many agricultural sectors in Canada.” She adds, “In 2014, it was reported that approximately 26,400 jobs were left unfilled, resulting in a loss of $1.5 billion.”
The pilot is a coordinated effort between Agribusiness and Agri-Food Canada and Work and Social Improvement Canada (ESDC).
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